Monday, August 29, 2011

Mother of the Year - Again

When you find out your daughter is 5'4" and 154 lbs putting her in the 97th percentile (even if you, as her mother, are large as well) I would hope you would be alarmed and research what you can do for your child.  What I did not expect was for Scarlett to say - oh, I've put on weight too, I'm going on Weight Watchers so it will be fine.
Um - WHAT???  Sorry honey, I don't give a shit if you clog your arteries and die young.  What I do care about is if your child dies 20 years early because you were too selfish to wake the hell up and HELP YOUR DAUGHTER.  Weight Watchers is a management system for adults, not an educational tool for a 12 year old.
Did you not just watch her struggling on the soccer field, bigger than all the other kids out there, not able to move as fast as she did even 6 months ago.  But please, don't send her to soccer practice and keep feeding her shit and ice cream in between games at her tournament so she can put on some more weight and learn worse eating habits.
Like it or not, this kid is an athlete but won't be for long unless she is fed healthy foods and encouraged to move and play sports.  She's a damn good athlete too even with Scarlett fighting it every step of the way.  I see this as blatant neglect if not abuse.  It kills me to see any child treated this way.

Wouldn't it be great if the law was behind the health of the kids?

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