Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ah, Mother's Day

I haven't been on for a while, lots going on but seeing as how the home front is silent today it seemed fitting to take the time for a short story. 
It is sunny out, I can hear birds - even at 7pm.  So quiet.  It feels like the calm before the storm.  I can feel it.  Mostly I just know it since one of my step kids left her backpack here which she needs for school tomorrow, and her uniform which she needs for team photos tomorrow.  Funny, no one has called or asked about it which means tomorrow will be "interesting".
About as interesting as Saturday morning when one of my step daughters was supposed to be at her sporting event at 8am and Scarlett was texting my husband that she forgot to pick up her children's things on Friday and needed them.  She was actually parked out in front of my house waiting for him to respond.  Are you serious?  Best part?  He is out of the country and I was sleeping.  Meanwhile her daughter is emailing her own team who she is about to play with to see if they have an extra uniform.  WHAT??  My guess is they need their own uniform to play that day.  Hellooooooo.  Genius!  So dutifully for my step daughter I took the bags outside for her to bring to her daughter.  Finally.
Why will this be a problem?  I cannot just leave all her stuff outside for 2 days hoping Scarlett will get off her ass and get it.  I will also be gone from my house by the time anyone figures it out and will be out until well after she needs her things.  However, I am not allowed to point these things out because then I am "parenting" and that is clearly the worst thing I could do according to Mother of the Year.  So I just let it go.  The part that drives me insane is, no one else has noticed she doesn't have what she needs for tomorrow for SCHOOL.  Hey, Mom of the Year, you didn't notice your kid doesn't have her backpack???  Overlooking the sport stuff I get, it is her M.O., but school???  Really???
Apparently the answer is yes.  Mother's day for Mother of the Year must be a big event, especially with the new husband and new stepchild.  Why worry about her own children?  It may sound cold but I can't fix it, I can't make her care and to really know that is a lifted burden.  A gift to my "non-mom" self on this glorious holiday produced by Hallmark.  I can't fix things for my step daughters on this front and knowing I can stop trying without guilt is beautiful.  I do realize I sound bitter, but even my own Mother knows that Mother's day is a sham for us to spend money.  That is why we don't recognize "Step-Mother's Day" in my house, and yes, it is an ACTUAL holiday on the calender.  I promise, look it up.

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