Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Harassment, Bullying and Crossing the line

Scarlett has been instructed several times to not contact me directly due to her never ending abusive language and tendencies toward me in ANY form of contact.  It comes out most in emails when she has time to sit and think since she is not so quick witted and can't really think on her feet.  In person she says what she says then stomps away like a child.

I have tried ignoring the behavior, challenging it, smiling and laughing then finally disengaging.  I don't even look at her.  Yes, even when it comes to the kids.  They both have cell phones, use them.  What I can't understand is that she bitches and moans about not being able to communicate with me but is so violently mean and crude when she does and can't figure why I don't WANT to communicate with her.  Why would I OPT to take abuse from someone?

Recently, she crossed the last boundary.  Actually accusing me of "borderline abusing" her kids.  In an email she sent to my husband - addressed to him in title - but cc'd me on even though we have asked repeatedly she communicate parental issues with him since she is convinced I'm not a parent and has stated so several times to us and everyone we know.  Sweet, isn't it?

Among all the things I do wrong - I'm mean to her children every day, I yell at them, call them liars for no reason, refuse to pick up their belongings (remember that post weeks ago? that was her not me), and forcing them to play sports along with being too strict.  The time they spend with her is none of my business but apparently what happens at MY house is ALL her business.  I guess it is since she grills the children about everything that happens and is said here and has forbidden them to discuss anything about her at our house.  She even had them hide her pending marriage, and still after the fact.

What she didn't mention is all the times I have made sure her kids have what they need, even at the last minute when she wouldn't, taken them to get clothes when she refused to bring their clothes to them at our house (for a special event even) because she was out with her then fiance, make sure they have all their books and after school needs when it is my days to pick them up from school, that I take them to all their practices, friends houses, movies, etc.  I am the only "parental figure" who went to BOTH CHILDREN'S back to school night.  Scarlett just didn't show to one and ran in and out of the other like a drug addict.  What a bitch I sound like huh? 

I guess what really gets me is the kids just buying into it all.  Telling her personal things about me - a betrayal of sorts. They are teenagers and know better.  Then actually hiding things from their father.  I know she asked them to hide things and that is a horrible position for them but actually succumbing to it when they are smarter than that makes me ill.  It also makes me uncomfortable talking about certain issues in my own home because I know they are being reported.  We talked to the kids and I let them know this was the meanest, nastiest email I had ever received and it made me sad she used what they said to write it.  They looked surprised that I knew but they should understand how that information is being used.  It all comes around.

I'm tired of the rumors she spreads.  I'm tired of her slamming me and my business all over town.  I'm tired of the abuse.  I'm just plain tired.  So when I blocked her from EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING, it was the most liberating feeling.  No emails, no calls, no texts, no facebook, nothing.  It is so wonderful I can't describe the bliss and no, I don't care that I can't see if she is trying to say something to me because she just doesn't matter that much.  Not only is she doing long term damage to her relationship with her children, she accomplished putting a distance between her children and a positive life influence.  Good going, "Scarlett - Mother of the Year".

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