Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thank God the Holidays are Over

The photos I have of the tree Pre-Arrival of the kids are disgusting.  For an economic downturn overall you would have never guessed it by looking at our living room which was truly covered in gifts.  This included a life size cut out of Justin Bieber for the younger step-daughter.  Had it not been for the two, yes two pairs of Miss Me jeans it would have been her favorite gift.  Oh, and the Bieber perfume.
Now the older step-daughter also got more than a plethora of gifts, and not inexpensive ones.  I barely heard thank you.  It was more about "what next?" which makes me sad that their Father's efforts are so under-appreciated if not unappreciated.  We (husband and I) decided to take a break for a snack seeing as how the kids didn't arrive until noon and it was now 1:30, we were met with actual whining.  Really?  They are 12 and 15.  Whining.  Like a 5 year old.  Then complaining about caviar (more understandable but to be so rude was not necessary) which they didn't have to eat.  There was plenty for them as always.

A second break was needed later, again met with true whining expertise, to put the turkey in the oven for dinner.  It wasn't like we didn't have anything to talk about, we hadn't seen them in over a week!  They just wanted more gifts and more and more.  There was a distinct lull and disappointment when all was opened until we revealed there was one big gift left for each - but they had to find it via scavenger hunt.  This perked them up because a production usually means something good is coming at the end.  Total room makeover, and total excitement for about 10 minutes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the didn't like or even love the gifts, everything was certainly just not so much appreciated.

Over the next few days we had family in town which constituted eating out more than I ever like to but what can you really do about that?  Not much in this case.  First night with my family?  The elder is "sick", bails on dinner, claims to have thrown up although is fine for breakfast and dinner the following days.  Weird, when the younger was sick at her mother's house, she threw up because of the Dayquil, not the illness (per her).  I know there is always a power struggle with the older but seriously - have some damn respect.  Everyone bought into it but at the time I was more content to just be with my family.  However, there was always something wrong with everywhere we went.

Final straw for the vacation was when I wanted to go do something fun on their last day and was promptly told by the older that no, she wanted to do homework (that she had two weeks to complete plus two additional days at her mother's house coming up) that day instead.  I was floored and pissed.  Really?  You are sitting there watching TV right now, bitching about having to do something fun tomorrow because you want to do homework you could do now?  Irate is more the word for it.  After making my feelings clear to the husband, she was made to go upstairs and do her homework then.

As for the "fun" trip?  She bitched about going on the city transportation instead of driving (oh the horror!!!).  Clearly irritated to be "doing something" her earphones were in the entire way there and back essentially ignoring everyone.  Fun family day.  Husband didn't seem to notice too much.  I did, and it really makes me not want to do this sort of fun stuff together.  I would rather go to the theater alone than listen to the complaining and have to fight to get there - even to a show aimed at the kids that they had said they wanted to see.  Oh well - it's only 2.5 more years of HS!!  Maybe if she ever gets a job her attitude will be knocked back a notch.  Plus she needs to save for her senior trip to Hawaii she claims she is taking!

Lucky for me the younger isn't fully there yet and at least says thank you for everything and shows kindness and respect most of the time.  I'm thankful for that.